How to Invest in the Right Mutual Funds using Moneyworks4me?
There are roughly 350 Equity Mutual Funds in the market. Selecting the right ones can be pretty complicated. Since we cannot handle complicated stuff, we resort to simpler measures even if they are incorrect and inadequate e.g. selecting a fund based on the highest past returns. This way of selecting funds by looking at past returns is like driving a car looking at the rear view mirror. It’s misleading, inadequate and risky.
You need to know the right way of investing in mutual funds that is easy to use!
We designed the MoneyWorks4me Decision Maker based on this need. It answers 3 essential questions:
- What is the Right Fund? Looks at Quality of Holding, Consistency of Returns and whether Expense Ratio is justified to assess if a fund is the sahi fund to invest in
- What is the Right Time to buy? Checks for the fund’s potential upside over the next 3 years based on the current prices of the stocks it owns and their likely future fair price.
- What is the Right Allocation? Enables you to check whether or not to add a fund to your existing portfolio
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